Meta Audience Network SDK (facebook/graph-network-ads-common
operated by: Facebook
(get company information on Audience Network is a service by Facebook that allows app developers to monetize their apps with ads.
Facebook offers Audience Network SDKs for Android
, iOS
, and Unity
Endpoint URLs
These are URLs or regexes of endpoints the tracker sends data to. We use these to determine which adapter to apply to a request. Some trackers use the same endpoint for several formats. In this case we use additional logic to match the adapter to the request, refer to the code for more information.
Decoding steps
Every tracking library has its own way of transmitting tracking data, often even several. They are regularly pretty convoluted, nested encoding schemes. Because of that, the adapter needs to decode the request information into a consistent format. We try to keep keys and paths intact, but the structure results from our decoding. All steps used in the decoding for this adapter are documented here.- Parse the request body as a query string. Store that in the result for the request body.
- Parse the result for the request body at
as JSON. Replace the existing value. - Parse the result for the request body at
as JSON. Replace the existing value.
1res.body = parseQueryString(body)
2res.body.VALPARAMS = parseJson(res.body.VALPARAMS)
3res.body.ANALOG = parseJson(res.body.ANALOG)
Observed data transmissions
This is data that we observed being transmitted by this tracker. Not every request contains all of this data. The context of the data describes where we found the data in the request, the path describes the location of the data in the decoded request. The examples are a selection of observed values.Property | Context | Path | Examples of observed values |
Accelerometer X | body | ANALOG.accelerometer_x | 0.7662141 0 0.000244140625 0.00018310546875 -0.007171630859375 |
Accelerometer Y | body | ANALOG.accelerometer_y | 9.013549 0 -0.038909912109375 -0.0388946533203125 -0.0733795166015625 |
Accelerometer Z | body | ANALOG.accelerometer_z | 3.795387 0 -0.9879608154296875 -0.9887542724609375 -0.9817657470703125 |
Device advertising ID (GAID/IDFA) | body | IDFA | 827d8162-0e1c-48cd-892e-4abd3df95ba8 ea70edc1-ac05-481c-8d2a-66b1be496a7e 830ec0b3-e94e-43e5-8722-a3a428af37bb 49b61a9c-cece-4300-b52e-26840e4c258e fffe8a97-a504-4d14-89ab-c2025fbaf065 |
App ID | body | BUNDLE | com.atpc com.workoutapps.height.increase.workouts.inch com.jtxxmp3.downloader com.downloadwhatsappstatus.statussaver.videodownloader |
App name | body | APPNAME | AT Player Height increase Home workout tips: add 3 inches Music Downloader Status Saver Football TV HD |
App version | body | APPVERS | 1.442 3.0.2 1.0.9 1.0.8 3.0 |
Battery level | body | ANALOG.battery | 77.0 100.0 100 81.99999928474426 91.00000262260437 |
Carrier | body | CARRIER | Android T-Mobile |
Free disk space | body | ANALOG.free_space | 5719949312 5719973888 5714702336 5733556224 5733470208 |
Charging status | body | ANALOG.charging | 0 1 |
Is device an emulator? | body | VALPARAMS.is_emu | true false |
Is device rooted? | body | ROOTED | 1 2 |
Language | body | LOCALE | en_US en_DE de_DE en |
Manufacturer | body | MAKE | Google Apple |
Model | body | MODEL | sdk_gphone_x86_64_arm64 iPhone9,3 iPhone10,4 sdk_gphone_x86_64 |
OS name | body | OS | Android iOS |
OS version | body | OSVERS | 11 14.8 14.5.1 13 |
Free RAM | body | ANALOG.available_memory | 914378752 920252416 903663616 932401152 956297216 |
Total RAM | body | ANALOG.total_memory | 2077356032 2076893184 2.098839552e+09 2.070495232e+09 2077286400 |
Rotation X | body | ANALOG.rotation_x | 0.0 0 0.001645567244850099 0.001526257605291903 -0.0005693838465958834 |
Rotation Y | body | ANALOG.rotation_y | 0.0 0 -0.0027329358272254467 -0.0051750545389950275 0.0002769687562249601 |
Rotation Z | body | ANALOG.rotation_z | 0.0 0 0.0013877731980755925 0.0008223841432482004 0.0007749798824079335 |
Screen height | body | SCREEN_HEIGHT | 683 411 667 320 781 |
Screen width | body | SCREEN_WIDTH | 411 683 375 568 392 |
Unique session ID | body | SESSION_ID | df2b3ed3-1d6b-4264-8693-deb371c104cf ae21dfca-6012-463d-b5fb-c0e079e2c9c4 9d50d027-a9ed-4e39-9671-e6a97bdba852 0e7a6a2f-c98f-4681-ac12-0b6d3b63a0a9 ec15d5c8-e15c-4d27-9b54-94d34a15cc7a |
Time zone | body | VALPARAMS.timezone_offset | 3600000 |
Tracker SDK version | body | SDK_VERSION | 6.2.0 5.6.0 5.8.0 5.7.0 5.5.0 |