Google LLC

Google LLC

device_info.os_type property

The device_info.os_type holds the device’s operating system.

In our request database, we have observed the following values being transmitted for this property:

  • 2

For requests made from Android devices, the value was always ANDROID. For requests made from iOS devices, it was always 2.

IDE property

According to the cookie section of Google’s privacy policy (archived), the IDE cookie is “used to show Google ads on non-Google sites” and “to personalize the ads [users] see”. It lasts for 13 months.

According to the cookie information for Google’s ad products (archived), it is stored on the domain and used by the following products: Campaign Manager, Display & Video 360, Google Ad Manager, Google Analytics, Search Ads 360

rdid property

According to the targeting parameter documentation in Google’s Ad Manager Help (archived), the rdid property holds a “resettable device identifier”.

Google’s further documentation on resettable device identifiers (archived) lists the following examples of RDIDs: Google AdID, Apple IDFA, Amazon AFAI, Roku RIDA, Xbox MSAI

vnm property

The vnm property in the query string always matches the app’s version for the requests in our database.

On iOS, it holds the human-readable version. A few samples:

  • vnm=2.17.0 comes from com.elecont.EWClock@2.17
  • vnm=22.7.2 comes from
  • vnm=5.85.2 comes from com.cyberlink.youperfect@5.85.2
  • vnm=1.4.8 comes from com.crazymaplestudio.aurora@1.4.08
  • vnm=1.0.2 comes from com.smmservice.videoforairplay@1.0.2

On Android, it holds the version code. A few samples:

  • vnm=140 comes from com.translate.talkingtranslator@2.3.9:

    1$ aapt dump badging com.translate.talkingtranslator.apk
    2package: name='com.translate.talkingtranslator' versionCode='140' versionName='2.3.9' compileSdkVersion='31' compileSdkVersionCodename='12'
  • vnm=43 comes from com.bravo.booster@

    1$ aapt dump badging com.bravo.booster.apk
    2package: name='com.bravo.booster' versionCode='43' versionName='' compileSdkVersion='31' compileSdkVersionCodename='12'
  • vnm=40 comes from com.paradyme.citysmash@1.40:

    1$ aapt dump badging com.paradyme.citysmash.apk
    2package: name='com.paradyme.citysmash' versionCode='40' versionName='1.40' compileSdkVersion='30' compileSdkVersionCodename='11'
  • vnm=2736704 comes from com.outdooractive.Outdooractive@3.9.0:

    1$ aapt dump badging com.outdooractive.Outdooractive.apk
    2package: name='com.outdooractive.Outdooractive' versionCode='2736704' versionName='3.9.0' compileSdkVersion='31' compileSdkVersionCodename='12'
  • vnm=2070010 comes from

    1$ aapt dump badging
    2package: name='' versionCode='2070010' versionName='2.7.0' compileSdkVersion='31' compileSdkVersionCodename='12'

It’s also likely that “vnm” is an acronym for “version number”.